Observational approaches to research
Observational approaches to research considers different forms of observation as ways of generating human stories.
It also explores the advantages of such approaches, some of the limitations and their management (ethical/political) and approaches to analysing narratives generated by observational approaches.
- Observational Approaches to Research (ORA): Advantages, process / practices and analysing narratives (pdf)
- Observational approaches: Performing stories (pdf)
- Analysing narratives generated by ORA (image)
This workshop will benefit anybody considering ethnography, oral history and similar research methods.
Online resources
- Ethnography, observational research, and narrative inquiry - Online resource from Colorado State University offering summaries of the theory behind each method, advice on carrying out and reporting research, and a discussion of drawbacks/issues with such approaches
- Gerard Keegan and his Psychology Site - The Observational Method - Summary and breakdown of various types of observational study and the advantages and disadvantages of each
- Research methods participant observation - Detailed outline from the Sociology Central website of theoretical history of the method, notable examples, advice for implementation and comments on the variations between different versions of the observational method
- Ethnography or observational research - From YouTube (michellerharris). Gerry Katz, Executive Vice President of Applied Marketing Research, explains how ethnographic research can be used to gain deep insights about how customers use your products or services on a daily basis.