Ethnography is a means of researching and writing about social life and social change that can shed light on historical process.
There are many challenges and opportunities associated with using anthropological and ethnographic methods in arts and humanities research.
- Why ethnography? (pdf)
- Ethics and Ethnography (pdf)
The resources provided here will produce a case for why ethnographic research methods would be useful for this kind of research, and provide an introduction to the issues and problems raised by conducting ethnographic research, including access issues and ethical issues.
Online Resources
Introductions to ethnography
- What is ethnography? - Quotes & definitions from American
- What is Ethnography? - Website maintained by experienced ethnographer Brian Hoey (Marshall University)
- Researching the social: an introduction to ethnographic research - Detailed introduction chapter of a Sage textbook publication
- Introducing Ethnography - Short presentation video introducing methods and theory related to Ethnography on YouTube (ProfStatzel)
- Ethnography - resources from methods@manchester
- Ethnography in Sociology - resources from methods@manchester
Ethnography blogs
- Ethnography matters blog - Active group-edited blog with diverse focus
- blog - Another group edited blog with a broad focus on Ethnographic methods and academia
- Culture by Grant McKracken blog - Economics, Anthropology, and Ethnography
- Savage Minds blog - Group-edited blog. Frequent posts and diverse focus